Thursday, October 9, 2008

Oh Golly Ogallala

Have you ever been curious about those small towns with crazy names in between cow pastures and corn fields you pass as you drive across this great nation? Ya, me either. Unfortunately we've been afforded a few days to see one intimately. I am currently sitting in a Holiday Inn Express (the nicest motel in town) in a rustic Nebraskan town called Ogallala. Our car broke down as we pulled off to find out if Wendy's Jr. bacon cheese burgers and frosty's taste the same as they did 1 year ago before we left this great land.

We had to find a motel after our car broke down and was being worked on. The weathered old tow truck driver, barely audible through is blacked vocal cords, gave us some friendly advice on where not to stay. "There are some motels in this part of town, but even I wouldn't stay there and I'm not driving a Cadillac." Hm... Things weren't looking so good but he continued "My cousin drives a Cadillac too. He lives in California. When he comes into town he stays at the Best Western so that might be a good place for you." It made me feel proud to realize I have reached Best Western/Caddy status while still in my 30's. Is going to grad school really necessary?

The guys at the shop were great. They stayed 3 hours after closing to try and get our car running. I know that wouldn't have happened on the east and west extremities of this country. I guess there is a reason they call this the heart land. They've got lots of heart (and lots of land too). Need further evidence? The guy working at the front desk of Holiday Inn felt bad about our situation and decided to give us a room with TWO large beds at the $40 discounted government rate! I'd tell yo more of our adventure but AFV is back on and they are doing a segment on cats fighting with birds. Keep those cameras running (but not your cars) America!

The sadest part of this whole situation is that we are missing Lacey's best friend from HI's wedding. We planned our drive home perfectly so that we would rendezvous the wedding party in Nauvoo, IL and spend a night there and go to the reception the next day. We are still 9 hours away from the temple so that's not going to happen. If we can make it to the reception we'll count that as a blessing! I hope these guys have good mechanic skills. If we are here for another day I'll take the camera to document these parts. Sorry Jessica, we really want to be there tomorrow.



heidi said...

i am sure you are beyond bummed at this point. who would've thought the caddy would do this? so sorry, but makes for a good story later. as for the gluten-goodness, you made beau's mouth water. i haven't ever tried it, so i guess i'm missing out. hope it was scrumptious and worth the heart burn. love you both.

Sasha said...

How about you just high tail it back to VA!!

Please and thank you.