Saturday, July 25, 2009

Not too cool for the pool

Olive had her first large water experience in Mema's big tub at the farm. She liked that a lot so then we tried the lake during the family reunion. She did great at the lake, I'm not sure if it was the little fishes nibbling at her toes or the huge life jacket from 1980 that came up so high on her she could suck on it. Needless to say I wasn't worried about a swimming pool at all, so lately Olive and I have been frequenting the pool at our new apartment complex.

It is usually empty during the day so it seems like we have a private pool all to ourselves, including a private lifeguard. We usually don't last long because she gets pretty tuckered out after taking a dip, but we are working hard on floating on our backs and blowing bubbles. When we're not splashing around in the pool cute swimmers and a swim suit from Aunt Taralyn, Olive likes to sport her white rim sunglasses from Uncle Corbin and Aunt Alice. Together, they are quite the fashion statement, but she pulls it off.

Today we were lucky enough to have daddy home to come with us. He is the best swim partner and likes to practice all kinds of new tricks. She likes to be tossed in the air, jump off the side (not quite but we do the motion), make tug boat noises and get the bubbles that pop up from splashing.

Some people use their nose to hold up their glasses...I use my cheeks.

Ready to go home for lunch and a nap.

Olive can also sit up all by herself as of one week ago. This means she can now play with toys around her. Yay!


heidi said...

she is so loveably delicious i can almost taste it.

modestmuse said...

I love the sunglasses! She already has great style.

Taralyn said...

So cute!! I love it.

corbin said...

Here's a caption for the pic of her with the glasses in her mouth.

Pretentious Baby whips off her glasses with a flourish, places one earpiece in her mouth, and, with a highbrow accent, snidely remarks "I told you, I just pooped my pants!"

alice said...

She looks fantastic in the glasses, and the suit. My, what a lucky girl to have such fashionable aunts (pronounced aunt, not ant) :)