Friday, July 10, 2009

Olive One and Olive Two

Recently we have had a lot going on. Chas started his internship and is gone a lot during the day which is something we are not used to at all. We moved to Alexandria to be closer to work and school and cut down on some commute time. We like our little 2 bedroom apartment and enjoy being so close to downtown. We had a Charles Bernard and Olive Clawson family reunion and got to spend time with a lot of family I had never even met. Many relatives mostly if not all from Arizona came out and we enjoyed the many 4th of July festivities that DC has to offer.

Other than that Olive is growing wonderfully. She is so sweet and happy all the time. She is quite healthy and I am happy to report she is without a doubt the best thing in our little lives. Here are some pictures of her to catch us up on the last couple months.

Olive around 3 months

Blowing Bubbles

Olive around 4 months

Grandma Olive and her namesake baby Olive

Three generations


At the family reunion I learned that Grandma Olive was named after the wife of the Doctor who delivered her.


modestmuse said...

Adorable! Such a delight to see these pics of your family. Both Olives are so cute. This must be the "Uncle CB" Neil always talks about ... and whose shoes he wears!

Julianne said...

Baby Olive is adorable- I love the ones with Grandma. Keep the pictures coming. It was fun getting to meet Lacey and Olive. Maybe in another 3 years we can get together again.

Amy said...

Awh, that chunky stage is so cute.

heidi said...

if i don't get to kiss those cheeks soon i think i might die. i love her.

Hyder Ali said...

love the B & W of the Olive's.

Andrew and Ariel said...

Beautiful blue eyes!

corbin said...

Alice makes the same face when I kiss her with whiskers.

Yeeeowwwch! Scratchy!