Saturday, May 2, 2009


This year we went to the Farm for Easter. It was a really nice day with family and even th e adults got to participate in some die hard Easter hunts. Chas' family always hides one big egg for each person in a really hard place. It is a fun tradition now we just have to ge t those big German eggs for our family as well.
Olive donned her very first Easter dress and looked just lovely. We forgot to wipe her face for most of the pictures so these are very realistic pics in the life of a 2 month old.

The rest is just pictures and more pictures. My very talented sister in law Heidi prints her blog out every year. It is so awesome so I figure I would just cut to the chase on this one and post the pics before Easter is months behind us. Also I just talked to my Aunt tonight who mentioned that the blog was lacking in baby pictures. Here you go Auntie!

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, I for one forgot how much candy was involved. As a child we used to get big See's chocolate bunnies. I always thought I would carry on that tradition but, I realized this year that Lindt is the new See's. Their bunnies are more velvety, milky, and smaller. Although not as much bang for your buck they are the better chocolate.


georgeandmarie said...

She is ADORABLE! She looks so much like Chas...but there is something Lacey about her?! Miss you! Thanks for updating the pictures...we love to see you guys and how much your little family is changing!! Loves

Puchimayu said...

I like your family shot. Did you just use a tripod? We are tying to take the couple shot by ourselves, but it gets kinda boring shots. Any advice?