Thursday, September 23, 2010

Apple juice

yum yum, thank you mama!


Awll dooone mama

Olive is pretty good at just sucking these babies down. Every kind of juice is apple juice and the way she says it almost makes a tear come to my eye every time I hear it. Among many other words and phrases, these days Olive is a little jabber mouth. It is exciting to hear what she has on her mind and even better to have her follow directions.


Blessed Beyond Measure-The Hollemans said...

She is soo cute! It is such an amazing thing to watch our kids grow up! Precious gifts from God :)Love you! Miss you!XO

georgeandmarie said...

So cute!!

heidi said...

I am stocking up on juice boxes for Thanksgiving... I'll figure out how to get my cuddles somehow!!!!
Love you all