Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bless-ed Baby

On Sunday the 1st of March Olive was blessed in our ward in Woodbridge. It was a beautiful blessing and a wonderful time with family. After the blessing everyone came to our house for brunch and later we met at the farm to enjoy the snow storm. It was a wonderful day. I am so grateful for the rituals and ceremonies we have to remind us of our promises to God. My whole life I have watched families bless their babies and baptize their children. It is surreal to see it in my own young family.

Olive wore her cousin Miliania's blessing dress. It was so pretty, but the bonnet (which she only wore for pictures) didn't stay on her head very well. I wish she could have worn it all day. It was funny for me to see her in this gown when I have never seen her in anything except pj's.


modestmuse said...

Great photos! Congratulations (is that the right thing to say?) on Olive's blessing. Wish we could've been there.

Stephanie said...

oh wow! congrats on the birth of baby olive- she is beautiful!

Taralyn said...

It was awesome! Glad we were here for it.