Today I made brownies for breakfast because his present was a Brownie Edge Pan. It is awesome! They were the best brownies ever and cooked perfectly. I highly recommend this product.
Then we went to Olive's 2 month checkup. She is 12 lb's 12 oz...yowzers. That's barely two pounds away from doubling her birth weight, which babies are supposed to achieve around 6 months. What can I say we have a healthy, overachieving baby. Here is a picture of her at the doctors office. And a Happy Birthday melody from our family to Chas.

what a cute little chub chubbs! so so happy. i feel bad, i was so pumped about winning the tournament that all i thought of yesterday was the lack of congratulations i got from everyone else :) what i should have been thinking of was that a fabulous person was born. please give him hugs and kisses from us and tell him we are so happy that he was born.
that is such an awesome pic of olive smiling at chas :) we love her chubs. happy big 32 Chas :)
Great pic! Chubby babies are the best- I should know! I have one too! I can't believe she's two months and smiling already! Keep up the good work.
I love it! Wow, she is so big and adorable!!! I love how in the photo her hands are blurred like she must've been flapping her arms. How cute! I don't know about child development, but I will go with "Andrew and Ariel" and say that I was surprised to see her smiling, too! So cute. And the video is PRICELESS lol.
oh, and happy b-day to Chas!
She is about the cutest chubbiest thing I have seen in a while!! I lOVE it!! I miss chubby babies! Happy late bday chas!!
Happy late b-day, Chas! Olive is adorably rolly-polly and we can't wait to meet her.
Hello all
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